Cras dapibus ullamcorper dictum. Vivamus nec erat placerat felis scelerisque porttitor in ac turpis. In nec imperdiet turpis.
How You Can Help!
Become A Pen Pal!
Matching your own child with a young one allows them to develop their English communication skills and broadens their world.
Donations That Go To The Source!
With direct access to the Orphanage in Cochin, India, DJ Kennedy meets Sister Fabiola Fabbri in person to share donations and discuss areas we can help.
Getting Involved
This is a startup foundation built strictly to help the young children being raised by Sister Fabiola Fabbri in her Orphanage. Further help and involvement to grow awareness is both encouraged and appreciated.
Want to Help? Sponsor or Donate!
Each year, hundreds of children and teens are removed from their homes due to abuse, neglect or
abandonment. We manage foster care and related services for these youth.
$10000 To Go